Thursday, October 27, 2016

sura 51 Az Zariah

والذريت ذروا.
فالحملت وقرا.
فالحملت يسرا.
فالمقسمت امرا.
انما توعدون لصدق.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Русский 3

1.  у женщины есть ребёнок.
2.  у мамы дом есть стол.
3.  у папы есть яблоки.
4.  у девочки есть брат.
5. У мужчины есть сестра.
6. У женщины есть брат.
7. У меня есть вода и сок.
8. У папы есть брат и сестра.
9. У мамы есть хлеб?
10.  Мой сок.
11.  У девушки есть брат?
12. У женщины уже есть яблоко.
13. У мальчика есть мама?
14. У них нет сока.
15. У них нет воды.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Sura mujjamil - 73

١. يا يها المزمل
٢. قم اليل الاقليلا
٣. نصفه ازا نقصمنه قليلا
٤. اوزد عليه ورتل القران ترتيلا
٥. انل سنلقى عليك قولا ثقيلا

Thursday, October 6, 2016

vanished animals

1.The dodo bird
The dodo bird was a fightless bird that lived on the island of mauritious realeted to piegons and doves, it stood about a metre tall, lived on fruit and nuts and nested onthe ground.
Having a metre tall, its presence wasn't hard to miss, and the people are the main responsivle for its extention.
The last dodo died sometime on the late 17th century.
Its one of the most famous extinct animal of europe.
Aurocus evolved on India some two million years ago, migrated into the middle east and further to the Asia, and reached europe about 250,000 years ago.
Due toits huge importance as a prize,  its hunting was allowed only to the  novels and the members of the royal court.  The last recorved aurochs was a female, died in 1627 in the  Jacktorow forest, Poland.
3.Wooly Mamoth
The wooly mammoth was