Friday, April 26, 2019

Admission preparation ( class 1 to class 2)


The fish:

1) The fish lives in water
2) The fish gives us protein.
3) Fishes are found in cannal,river,pond etc
4) The fisherman catches fish
5) I love fish very much.


1) Milk is an ideal food.
2) We get milk from cow,goat and buffalo
3) Milk is used to make butter, cheese and yogurt.
4) Milk gives us protein.
5) Milk gives us energy.
6) I love to drink milk.

Simple to complex

1. I know his name.

2. He came at 6 p.m.

3. I want to go.

4. I am sure of his passing.

5. I do not know his father's name.

6. We are sure of his success.

7. He hoped to win the prize.

8. He told me the truth.

9. I know the process of doing it.

10. I know the place of his birth.

11. He confessed his guilt.

12. Everybody knows the author of the Gulliver's Travel.

13. I asked him the reason of his coming.

14. I request your help.

15. He will certainly come.

16. He is a rich man.

17. I have no money to spare.

18. I follow my father's example.

19. He died in his native village.

20. A parentless child is to be pitied.

21. We came upon a peasant's hut.


Complex to simple 2

1. He is so weak that he cannot walk.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Complex to simple

1. Though he was weak,he went to school.

2. Though he had qualifications, he did not get a job.

3. Though the man has much riches, he wants more.

4. Though he ran fast, he missed the train.

5. Though he has been reading more, he can not make a good results.

6. It is certain that he will come.

7. It is sure that he has done it.

8. It was sudden that his father died.

9. I know that he is a poet.

10. We know that they are riches.

11. They are aware that the boy is honest.

12. Everybody knows that he is innocent.

13. I saw that he was reading.

14. I heard that she was singing.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Affirmative to negative

1. Only Allah can help us.

2. Only he can do the work.

3. A child likes only sweets.

4. He is only ten.

5. Karim was only twenty two.

6. We must yield to our date.

7. You must obey your parents.

8. Both Rajiv and Adeeb were good friends.

9. He took coffee and ice-cream.

10. Everyone hates a liar.

11. Every mother loves her child.

12. As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.

13. He is the best boy in the class.

14. I shall remember you.

15. He is a good player.

16. He was an honest boy.

17. This was an extra - ordinary ship.

18. I always agreed with him.

19. Rahim was always punctual.

20. He is to weak to go.

21. Parvin was to poor to buy a new chain .

22. He is as wise as you.

23. Health is Wealth.

24. The sun sets in the west.

25. My friend sometimes visit me.

26. A day labourer is sometimes happy.