Friday, December 14, 2018

World's different dangerous fishes

1)   Electric Eel
2)   Tiger fish
3)   Goonch fish
4)   The stonefish
5)   The Snakehead fish
6)   Vandellia  Cirrhosa
7)   Pirhana
8)   Pufferfish
9)   Payara
10) Shark

Friday, November 9, 2018

Admission preparation ( class1 to class) sheet -1


1)The fish

1) The fish lives in water
2) The fish gives us protein
3) Fishes are found in river canal pond etc
4) The fishermen catches fish
5) I love to eat fish

2)The water

1) The water is a liquid substance
2) Water has no colour
3) Another name of water is life
4) Water can be found River canal pond etc
5) No animal can live without water
6) We get fish from water

3)The cat

1) The cat is a pet animal
2) The cat has 4 legs 2 eyes a head and a long tail
3) The cat likes to drink milk
4) The cat wake up late in the morning
5) The cat eats rice fish and milk
6) The cat is covered with soft fur

4)The dog

1) The dog is a pet animal
2) The dog is a faithful animal
3) The dog likes to eat meat
4) The dog barks at night
5) The dog can swim
6) The dog has four legs two eyes a head and a long tail

5)The frog

1) The Frog is an amphibian animal
2) The Frog lives in both water and land
3) The Frog do respiration with both lungs and gills
4) The Frog likes to eat insect
5) The frog has 4 legs two eyes and a long tongue
6) The Frog can jump very high